leads music for Contemporary Worship Service
Directed by David McArthur, Music Ministry Director
When you hear the word “Praise Team,” it may conjure a style that is for a specific demographic or type of person, but our Contemporary Worship is filled with people of all ages, stages, and walks of life.
Praise refers to something that is happening, existing, living, and uplifting – I can think of no better way to describe our worship experience. Our desire is to connect people with an existing, living God, as we come together through worship that is deep and thoughtful and a personal expression of our love for God.
If your heart has you feeling called to join the Praise Team - please contact David McArthur
leads music for our
Traditional Worship Service
Directed by David McArthur, Music Ministry Director
There is nothing better in the world than making music with your friends, especially when it glorifies God. The music lends so much to the text—and it sticks with you! It’s the best way to memorize scripture verses while giving of your time and talents.
Maybe you’re nervous. You don’t have to be the best reader; we’ll put you next to someone who can help you along. You don’t have to have a professional voice, either; the joy of choir is that we all blend in together to make one JOYFUL NOISE to God.
Come join our musical family.
Our Westminster Choir participates at the 10:15 AM Sunday worship service. The Westminster Choir presents hymns and inspirational choral classics in worship services throughout the months of August thru May.
Consider joining The Westminster Choir, an outstanding ensemble of voices of all ages, backgrounds, and ability levels. When you are in a choir like this one, your voice takes on new power and you will feel it immediately. Worshiping in song is powerful in itself, but in a choral context it takes on a new dimension!
If you are interested in learning more and joining us, please contact our David McArthur.

Directed by Susan Chapman, Director of Handbells
They produce one of the most distinctive and pleasing sounds to the ear. The mellifluous tones of handbells and chimes are a regular part of the music ministry at Mountain View Presbyterian Church.
Bells of all sorts have a long history in religion. For centuries, across Europe bells were used to toll time -- and call people to prayer. Over time, as the Church buildings got bigger, they started putting the bell on the side of the building to invite people to church. Over time, they put the bells in steeples. Handbells, popular in England, were introduced to the U.S. in the early 1900s.
Being part of the Bell Choir is something you can do without any musical background at all. It’s a matter of learning the counting and techniques of ringing the bells, the different sounds the bells make. The attraction is that so many people can do it, especially people who want to be involved in church and don’t like to sing.
Mountain View's Handbell Choirs also love to attend Bell Festivals & Clinics as well as ring for Community Events.
If you are interested in learning more and joining us please contact Susan Chapman